tld Package

Extracts the top level domain (TLD) from the URL given. List of TLD names is taken from Mozilla

Optionally raises exceptions on non-existing TLDs or silently fails (if fail_silently argument is set to True). Knows about active and inactive TLDs. If only active TLDs shall be matched against, active_only argument shall be set to True (default - False).


Latest stable version on PyPI:

$ pip install tld

Latest development version:

$ pip install -e hg+

Usage example

To get the top level domain name from the URL given:

>>> from tld import get_tld
>>> print get_tld("")
>>> print get_tld("", fail_silently=True)

To update/sync the tld names with the most recent version run the following from your terminal:

$ python tld/

or simply do:

>>> from tld.utils import update_tld_names
>>> update_tld_names()

utils Module


Updates the local copy of TLDs file.

Parameters:fail_silently (bool) – If set to True, no exceptions is raised on failure but boolean False returned.
Return bool:True on success, False on failure.
tld.utils.get_tld(url, active_only=False, fail_silently=False)[source]

Extracts the top level domain based on the mozilla’s effective TLD names dat file. Returns a string. May throw TldBadUrl or TldDomainNotFound exceptions if there’s bad URL provided or no TLD match found respectively.

  • url – URL to get top level domain from.
  • active_only – If set to True, only active patterns are matched.
  • fail_silently – If set to True, no exceptions are raised and None is returned on failure.

String with top level domain or None on failure.

Indices and tables

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