Source code for tld.utils

__title__ = 'tld.utils'
__version__ = '0.4'
__build__ = 0x000004
__author__ = 'Artur Barseghyan'
__all__ = ('update_tld_names', 'get_tld')

from urlparse import urlparse
import urllib2
import os

from tld.conf import get_setting
from tld.exceptions import TldIOError, TldDomainNotFound, TldBadUrl

PROJECT_DIR = lambda base : os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), base).replace('\\','/'))

_ = lambda x: x

tld_names = []

[docs]def update_tld_names(fail_silently=False): """ Updates the local copy of TLDs file. :param bool fail_silently: If set to True, no exceptions is raised on failure but boolean False returned. :return bool: True on success, False on failure. """ TLD_NAMES_SOURCE_URL = get_setting('NAMES_SOURCE_URL') TLD_NAMES_LOCAL_PATH = get_setting('NAMES_LOCAL_PATH') try: remote_file = urllib2.urlopen(TLD_NAMES_SOURCE_URL) local_file = open(PROJECT_DIR(TLD_NAMES_LOCAL_PATH), 'w') local_file.write( local_file.close() remote_file.close() except Exception, e: if fail_silently: return False raise TldIOError(e) return True
[docs]def get_tld(url, active_only=False, fail_silently=False): """ Extracts the top level domain based on the mozilla's effective TLD names dat file. Returns a string. May throw ``TldBadUrl`` or ``TldDomainNotFound`` exceptions if there's bad URL provided or no TLD match found respectively. :param url: URL to get top level domain from. :param active_only: If set to True, only active patterns are matched. :param fail_silently: If set to True, no exceptions are raised and None is returned on failure. :return: String with top level domain or None on failure. """ TLD_NAMES_LOCAL_PATH = get_setting('NAMES_LOCAL_PATH') def init(retry_count=0): """ Build the ``tlds`` list if empty. Recursive. :param retry_count: If greater than 1, we raise an exception in order to avoid infinite loops. :return: Returns interable """ if retry_count > 1: if fail_silently: return None else: raise TldIOError global tld_names # If already loaded, return if len(tld_names): return tld_names local_file = None try: # Load the TLD names file local_file = open(PROJECT_DIR(TLD_NAMES_LOCAL_PATH)) # Make a list of it all, strip all garbage tld_names = list(set([line.strip() for line in local_file if line[0] not in '/\n'])) local_file.close() except IOError, e: update_tld_names() # Grab the file retry_count += 1 # Increment ``retry_count`` in order to avoid infinite loops return init(retry_count) # Run again except Exception, e: try: local_file.close() except: pass if fail_silently: return None else: raise e return tld_names init() # Init # Get (sub) domain name domain_name = urlparse(url).netloc if not domain_name: if fail_silently: return None else: raise TldBadUrl(url=url) domain_parts = domain_name.split('.') # Looping from much to less (for example if we have a domain named "" we'll try # "", then "", then "", then "", then # "" and finally "uk". If the last one does not match any TLDs, we throw a <TldDomainNotFound> # exception. for i in range(0, len(domain_parts)): sliced_domain_parts = domain_parts[i:] match = '.'.join(sliced_domain_parts) wildcard_match = '.'.join(['*'] + sliced_domain_parts[1:]) inactive_match = "!%s" % match # Match tlds if (match in tld_names or wildcard_match in tld_names or (active_only is False and inactive_match in tld_names)): return ".".join(domain_parts[i-1:]) if fail_silently: return None else: raise TldDomainNotFound(domain_name=domain_name)
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